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Sabin Accountability Committee SAC




The school accountability committee (SAC) represents the school community's point of view at large, focusing on the improvement of the education, safety, and learning environment for students at Sabin.

Role and Purpose

The School Accountability Committee (commonly referred to as the SAC) is a representative advisory committee that serves as a grassroots organization for a school’s accountability change process. The primary role of a SAC is to understand all operating procedures within the school, and if needed, make recommendations concerning school improvement, including but not limited to such topics as spending priorities, academic achievement, facilities, and culture and climate (CRS22-11-402(1)(b)).

Duty of the School

To provide members of the SAC committee with any information which is necessary to maintain ethical transparency of daily operations, school improvement goals, and the well-being and success of stakeholders.

*No minimum attendance requirement.
*All middle school and high school students, staff and families, and community members are invited to attend.

For more information, contact our committee chair, Marion Clawson  at

We hope you can join us and look forward to seeing you!